AriyabazeNg launched in the year 2017, as an independent digital news and entertainment platform whose services includes
1. Trending News Update
2. Music Promotions
3. Crypto Trading (BTC n USDT)
4. Free browsing update
5. Technology Tips
6. Job and Scholarship Opportunities
7. Movie Hub
8. Music Hub
9. Cheap internet Data / Airtime2Cash service
10. Life, physiology and Soceity
We at AriyabazeNG bring to you news, entertainment and trending celebrity gist in an undiluted manner, the happenings from around the globe. Poised to do our best, we deliver accurate, relevant and up-to-date news and gist from all walks of life.
Our readers are spread across Africa, Europe, the Americas, and Asia.
Our mission is to cover the up-to-date NEWS Across Nigeria and the World as a whole and celebrating the best of Nigerian talents with a view to enlighten, educate, entertain and inform our numerous readers from all parts of the world by virtue of our promotion packages.
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