DMCA / Takedown Notification .

DMCA / Takedown Notification

We respect the intellectual property of others, and we ask our users to always do the same. On this page, you will find information about copyright infringement procedures and policies that apply to AriyabazeNG. AriyabazeNG will respond to allegations of copyright violations in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

Notification of Copyright Infringement:

If you are a copyright owner (or an agent of a copyright owner) and believe any user material posted on our sites infringes upon your copyrights, you can file a DMCA notification by sending us a mail at ([email protected])Your claim must include the following information (please note that all information must be sumitted in English):

  1. A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright that has been allegedly infringed.
  2. A clear identification of the material you claim is infringing on the copyrighted work, and information sufficient to locate that material on our website.
  3. A clear identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed.
  4. Provide a reasonably sufficient method of contacting you. That includes phone number and email address.
  5. The following statement: “I have good faith belief that the use of the copyrighted materials described above and contained on the service is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or by protection of law” and
  6. A statement made under penalty of perjury that the information provided is accurate and the notifying party is authorized to make the complaint on behalf of the copyright owner.

Please note that you may be liable for damages if you make a false claim of copyright infringement. Section 512(f) of the Copyright Act provides that any person who knowingly materially misrepresents that material is infringing may be subject to liability.

Once Proper Bona Fide Infringement Notification is Received by the Designated Agent:

It is AriyabazeNG’s policy to:

  1. To remove or restrict access to the infringing material;
  2. To notify the content provider, member or user that it has removed or disabled access to the material.

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